Why do we need new typefaces?

The eternal question

Aliaksei Koval
2 min readAug 24, 2017

As a type designer I usually come across the same question:

—Why do we need new typefaces? (still do) There’re millions (actually thousands) of them.

More than 8k typefaces tagged #sans

This is not a question from professional designers. But it’s not so simple and naive as it seems. Do we actually need to design more typefaces? Every known classifacation I suppose has not less than 100 typefaces to choose from. Do we still have something new to say as a typeface designers?

Yes, we do

Because Your project needs not any typeface. It needs “the proper” one (or two).

It’s not the one and only ideal typeface. The definition for the proper typeface depends on various issues of visual communications.

A good example of designing new typeface to resolve both technical and visual communication issues could be found in Dalton Maag case of designing bespoke typefamily for BBC.

ambition was to introduce a new font, a new typeface family which could bring more consistency and clarity across all of their media

Learn more:

Creative Review: How Dalton Maag Created a Custom font for BBC



Aliaksei Koval

Type designer, head of KTF&BS, father of three boys, automotive design enthusiast